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About WDA
Who We Are

Our Mission

The Wilson Disease Association funds research and facilitates and promotes the identification, education, treatment, and support of patients and other individuals affected by Wilson disease.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be recognized for excellence as an international, non-profit health organization.


The WDA provides a caring community that will offer each Wilson disease family information, guidance and emotional support. We are dedicated to education, advancing treatments, and finding a cure for Wilson disease.

An Anonymous donor is matching donations dollar for dollar up to $50,000. All of the money is to be used for the Patient Registry. The Patient Registry is the first of its kind in the world for Wilson Disease and will provide a platform for future research. The Registry was just launched and we have a $3 million dollar goal to raise over five years. We believe we can do it with your help today.

Why a double the donation? It is a double anniversary! The WDA was founded 40 years ago but incorporated 35 years ago. Why not celebrate both with the double anniversary challenge? We double dare you to send this to a friend. And if you really want to see it double-double, some employers make matching donations.


Call Judi Keller for details. 414-961-0533 ext 3000

Make Your Donation Double by Giving Today!   


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