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About WDA
Who We Are

Our Mission

The Wilson Disease Association funds research and facilitates and promotes the identification, education, treatment, and support of patients and other individuals affected by Wilson disease.

Our Vision

Our vision is to be recognized for excellence as an international, non-profit health organization.


The WDA provides a caring community that will offer each Wilson disease family information, guidance and emotional support. We are dedicated to education, advancing treatments, and finding a cure for Wilson disease.

Legal Notice, Disclaimer, and Terms of Use

The Wilson Disease Association (WDA) provides this website for educational purposes to
people interested in Wilson disease. The WDA does not provide medical advice or services,
or specifically endorse any individual or clinician in the diagnosis and treatment of this
disease. Health related topics found on this website should not be used for diagnosing
purposes or be substituted for medical advice. As with any new or ongoing treatment,
always consult your physician.

The Wilson Disease Association assumes no responsibility or liability for any consequence
resulting directly or indirectly from any action or inaction you take based on or made in
reliance on the information, services, or material on or linked to this site.

Since medical developments change frequently, this site may contain outdated material.
While the Wilson Disease Association makes reasonable efforts to present current and
accurate information, no guarantee of any kind is made. The Wilson Disease Association is
not liable for any damage or loss related to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of any
information contained on this site.


Any links or external websites are provided as a courtesy only. The WDA has no
responsibility for the accuracy or content of information provided by these sites nor should
they be construed as an endorsement by the WDA of the content or views of the linked

Inspire or Social Networking Sites or List Serves

Opinions expressed by contributors through discussion on Inspire, any Social Networking
site, or list serves are not necessarily those of the WDA.


The names and contact information on this website are published to facilitate contact
among those listed for the WDA purposes only. These names and contact information are
not intended for any commercial purposes.


The Wilson Disease Association (WDA) has a strong commitment to privacy. The WDA does not collect personal information (e.g. name, address, telephone number or email address) unless you voluntarily provide it to us by using our registration form. We do not share or disseminate your personal information with any third party without your permission


Individuals may download useful material from this website for non-commercial use only.
For reprint permission, please contact the Wilson Disease Association at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The information on this website is protected under the copyright laws of the United States
and other countries. All information contained within this website is the property of the
Wilson Disease Association.

The 501(c)(3) non-profit Wilson Disease Association is dedicated to research, educating and supporting
patients and families with Wilson disease.

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